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Manoa International Exchange (MIX) Application Process

To start your journey on studying abroad, you must first APPLY! MIX and Study Abroad Center (SAC) are the two study abroad programs at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.


This user guide will focus on the MIX application process.

01 - Apply!


First step is to apply! The application took no longer than five minutes - which encompasses personal and academic information.



$30 MIX Application fee & $50 MIX Administrative fee.

Deadline: December 1st. 2022 (or current year)

02 - Nomination


Hooray! You got nominated for your program, now it's time to accept your nomination and complete tasks.


1. Fill out the MIX NOMINATION FORM within 1-2 days of this email to accept your spot.


2. Complete the MIX Pre-Departure Orientation Online Course, Due February 1

The course will cover general pre-departure content that is relevant to all participants.


3. Attend Welcome Orientation (Wednesday, February 15 at 6pm by Zoom).

03 - Nomination (Next Steps)


After completing the line items in step two, you are officially nominated to the program! Now, you apply to your partner university. Click here for next steps.

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